We offer individual counselling, group work and helpline services from our base in Shadwell, London E1.
Anyone affected by male sexual violation is appropriately supported
SurvivorsUK was established as a service for male survivors, to cater for people not provided for by other services. We are an inclusive service and welcome anyone who identifies as male, trans, non-binary, has identified as male in the past, or anyone who feels that we are the right fit for them
Note: Sexual violation includes both childhood sexual abuse and adult sexual assault/rape
- Challenges perceptions – those of survivors, those of the public and those of decision makers
- Helps men who have been sexually abused at any point in their lives and also provides support for their families
- Being transparent in its every day operation and communication
- Believes in nurturing, supporting and motivating our colleagues and clients to develop and grow is non-judgemental – we believe and accept people’s experiences and the impacts of those experiences
About our work
■ What work does SurvivorsUK do?
■ Is there a need for this work?
■ How is it different from other providers?
■ Who benefits from SurvivorsUK services?
■ What geographical area does SurvivorsUK cover?
■ How many people use SurvivorsUK each year?
■ Do you offer legal advice?